Another Day Of Staying Safe
Many folks have told me how it’s been hard to keep track of time during this pandemic. Lots of people are working from home, many like us on the farm have been part of the essential workforce, and then there are the incredible frontline angels. The concept of Monday vs Thursday really boils down to how impactful we can all be in trying to stop the spread of COVID-19, into another day of staying safe—not just for our own health, but for those in high risk categories and for the future health of our entire economy. This should not be so difficult, but the reality is it feels impossible with all the differing perspectives.
We have always made the clear point that we are farming for the future, farming for the next generation and the longevity of a sustainable food system that seeks to preserve the environment, as well as provide food for all. Today, we are farming with the added caveat to keep those safe from pandemic harm. Today, we are also farming with increased action and hope for equality. In Adrienne Maree Brown’s words, we are to “hold each other tight as we continue to pull back the veil.” We are inspired by Ibram X. Kendi’s words, “The story of our generation will be based on what we’re willing to do. Are we willing to endure the grueling fight against racist power and policy? Are we willing to transform the antiracist power we gather within us to antiracist power in our society?”
We hold true that many we know and love will live one day without fear and stigmatization, that we can all gather around the table feeding each other, both physically and psychologically. It is up to us all to not just keep ourselves safe, lose track of time and eat yummy, organic veggies. We must continue to pull the veil back on race inequities in America and around the world. That is what we owe to past generations and to future generations.
Make sure to find us on Instagram @fullcirclefarms.
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