Take A Look At Fall On The Farm!
It’s official: fall has arrived, and with it some of the prettiest days of the year here in our valley. Harvest crews arrive at first light and disappear into the mist down the rows, invisible except for their laughter and conversation. Cross orb spider webs festoon the hedgerows, bejeweled with dew.
By noon the sun appears, and as afternoon turns to evening, shadows lengthen and the light turns golden. It’s a wonderful time to take a drive out our way, perhaps to scout for pumpkins or flowers from one of the many farms along State route 203.
Here at Full Circle, while summer squash and cucumbers have come to an end, new plantings of greens, carrots, beets and spinach are ready, and the amount of green beans at Ames is almost scary! We’ll send both crews in each day over the next three weeks to bring them in, and just about the time we finish, it will be time to start potatoes.
The full moon this week is the harvest moon, celebrated across cultures as a time of community, of shared work, and of gratitude for the bounty of the earth.
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