Old & New Friends Returning
Farm News
There are many songs in the early morning and throughout most of the day as the Warblers have returned in bright yellow beauty and chorus. They hold an immense amount of joy in such a tiny body and coupled with the barn swallows in their chatter and long trills, we are so lucky while working around the barn, greenhouses and Griffin Creek to have such glorious music.
Last week, we had our first flush of veggies go out into the field and planted 150,000 seedlings! Wow, that is awesome! Thank you to our loving and hard working crew! We also are about to embark on our first harvest of the 2018 season later this week as the red radishes are just about perfect. They were planted deep in Field 12, and the long walk down is drying out daily.
We are excited for a new addition to our farm. Paul the beekeeper has delivered 14 pallets of bee boxes to be situated all over the farm and busy in their honey-making role. They are sweet pink and blue honey boxes with hungry and thirsty bees. They have already found the flowering kale, and it is astounding to see their flight patterns to and from. Their role of pollination is essential, and with dwindling habitat, their conservation is critical. We hope our new friends will be happy here in the Carnation Valley.
We will continue to seed and plant and even start irrigation over the weeks in May and hope that the colder days of wet and rain have moved away for a few months.
Feast on the Farm, benefiting the salmon, tickets are now available through https://www.stewardshippartners.org/fotf/.
Hope to see you there, July 19, 2018!
Don’t forget to find us on Instagram @fullcirclefarms.
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