Full Tilt
Farm News
The farm is a buzz with wonderful sounds of tractors in the field, birdsongs, bees pollinating and the sweet smell of trees in bloom. When you look out in the mornings, the fields are beautifully tilled and dotted with tractors in their glorious jobs amidst the white wisps of steam rising from the warming soil. There is a sense of excitement in the air as we move toward full-tilt production. All at once you can see five or six tractors scattering the fields on these long and beautiful days of May.
We are so happy to feel sun and warmth and even though the rain returns, it smells and feels different as if it is just an old friend stopping by to say a quick hello. Far and deep into the fields on the other side of the still-flooded middle, you will find the transplanter working overtime to get new crops in while the big ripper and disc tractors are turning over drying fields and getting them aerated.
There is a tractor spreading fertilizer, and we are in full tilt with the basket weeders, cultivating weeds between our first successions of greens. Currently, the mower is my favorite implement hooked up to our big, red Case International and already this has been in high demand actively cutting the voracious weeds growing strong with all of the rain to date. The blueberries have fully bloomed as the bees, fat and engorged with nectar, move from one flower head to the next.
The days are starting earlier and earlier. At 6am, Andrew and the crew are ready to make the world healthier and by 10am, we feel a sense of solid accomplishment and know that we still have 11 hours of awesome daylight left to keep movin’ and groovin’.
As we head into the longest days of the year and the solstice is just a moon cycle away, we know that our time is precious and the constant ability to stay focused on the tasks at hand will make way for wonderful veggies.
Don’t forget to find us on Instagram (@fullcirclefarms).
– Wendy
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